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Pochsy IV: UNPLUGGED presented by VideoCabaret

VideoCabaret - Deanne Taylor Theatre - 10 Busy Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Ingenious acidic comedy." (The Globe & Mail)

"One of the gems of Canadian Theatre." 
(Toronto Star)

"Imagine Greek Tragedy by Betty Boop."
(Montreal Gazette)

"Go. Just go." 
(Munich Evening Post)

"I laughed. I cried. I called my friends."
(Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press)

Pochsy IV: UNPLUGGED runs from April 4th to 20th, 2025 and opens on April 8th.

Special pre
view discount for performances April 4th to 6th: $20 regular tickets and $10 for student/arts worker tickets.

April 8th to 20th: $30 for regular tickets and $20 for student/arts worker tickets.

Dark comedy. Not for children.

Pochsy worked at Mercury Packers. Where she packed mercury. Now her employer has moved offshore, and Pochsy must grapple (in her eerily screwball way) with her industrial past and God’s broken promise of a five-star future.

Pochsy Productions was founded in 1992 for the company's first show, Pochsy's Lips, which won a loyal cult following, and went on to play at theatres and festivals across Canada, the U.S.A. and in Germany.

Since then, the Pochsy shows, and the short films adapted from them, have travelled to five continents – Dawson to Boston, Adelaide to Kuala Lumpur – and have won numerous citations including finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama, and the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Performance.

Cut to 2023, when Pochsy IV: Unplugged premiered at One Yellow Rabbit’s High Performance Rodeo in the province of Alberta where Hines dedicated her performances to Premier Danielle Smith. Praise for PIV:

No other satirist captures so fearlessly, and with such original panache, the contemporary drift towards a kind of late-capitalist chaos the way Karen Hines does. — Liz Nicholls “2023: The Year in Edmonton Theatre”

The prize-winning “Pochsy Plays” (I, II and III) have been published in multiple printings by Coach House Books. But you do not need to read them to grasp Pochsy IV.  Pochsy can’t remember what happened that far back – why should you? Says Pochsy, “I was never very good at History. I dunno, I just find it boring. Repetitive. (she rolls her eyes) It’s like the same things happening over and over and over
again …”

Combining such disparate elements as magical realism, satire and horror, Pochsy has won a devoted audience, numerous production and literary nominations and awards, as well as a reputation for original, hilarious and provocative entertainments.

(By the way, Pochsy is pronounced “Poxy.”)

Upcoming Events (15)

VideoCabaret - Deanne Taylor Theatre - 10 Busy Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

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